cs meteo
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Working on the interface between
business and science

The interface between business and science is very important, both when it comes to new technologies and knowledge building as well as knowledge transfer and application in practice. Through research collaboration nationally and internationally as well as participation in various committees, there are a number of publications on interesting topics from this work.

Please contact me if you have further questions or if you are interested in collaboration or training.

freiberufliche Meteorologin

List of Publications Wind Energy
WindEurope 2018
Poster: Synoptic Influences on Turbine Performance and Power Monitoring
Cooperation EnBW, GWU

EWEA 2016
Poster: Added value of LiDAR correction methods from a user’s perspective
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Accuracy of load assessments based on modelled turbulence - The German example  
Cooperation EMD

DMG 2016 4. Fachtagung Energiemeteorologie
Poster: Sensitivity of Wake Models to analytical Parameters
Cooperation WindSim

DEWEK 2015
Presentation: Sensitivity of Wake Models to analytical Parameters
Cooperation WindSim
Presentation: Turbulence Estimates in the Absence of Measurements
Cooperation Senvion
Poster: Turbine mounted pulsed LiDAR for performance verification in complex terrain
Cooperation Verbund, GWU, Uptime, Avent

MetTools 2015
Presentation: Turbulenzdaten für die Anwendung in der Windenergie - Validierung von LiDARmessungen
Cooperation Senvion

WindSim User Meeting 2014
Presentation: Turbulence: Measurement- Theory- Models
Cooperation WindSim, Senvion

EWEA 2014
Presentation: Evaluations of LiDAR Measurements for Turbulence Assessment
Cooperation REpower
Poster: How to get a reliable long-term reference in complex, data void regions
Cooperation EWC
Poster: Nacelle LiDAR for turbine performance analysis in complex terrain
Cooperation Verbund, GWU, Uptime, Avent

EWEA 2013
Presentation: Stability Classifications for CFD Simulations in Complex Terrain
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Modelling Wind Conditions for Tall Hub Heights
Cooperation REpower, WindSim
Poster: Measuring Wind Profiles in Complex Terrain using Doppler Wind LiDAR with FCR and CFD Implementations
Cooperation GWU, Leosphere

WindSim User Meeting 2013
Presentation: Stability Classifications for CFD Simulations in Complex Terrain
Cooperation WindSim

DACH 2013 (Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizer Meteorologentagung)
Presentation: Real Time und Postprocessing von LiDARdaten in komplexem Gelände
Cooperation GWU

AWEA 2013
Poster: Stability Classifications for CFD Simulations in Complex Terrain
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Measuring Wind Profiles in Complex Terrain using Doppler Wind LiDAR with FCR and CFD Implementations
Cooperation GWU, Leosphere
Poster: Flow Modelling for Tall Hub Heights- Challenges and Remedies
Cooperation REpower, WindSim

DMG 2013 3. Fachtagung Energiemeteorologie
Presentation: Strömungsmodifikation in komplexem Gelände, Atmosphärische und Orographische Einflüsse

ETH Zürich 2012 8th PhD Seminar Windenergy in Europe
Presentation: Site Assessment for Windfarms - Challenges and Tools

WindSim User Meeting 2012
Presentation: Influences on wind profiles up to greater hub heights- Advantages from LiDAR and CFD Modelling

MetTools 2012
Poster: Auswirkung atmosphärischer Stabilität auf Windertragsanalysen in CFD Simulationen
Cooperation WindSim

DEWEK 2012
Poster: Non neutral Wind Profiles- Capturing Atmospheric and Orographic Influences
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Measuring Wind Profiles in Complex Terrain using Doppler Wind LiDAR with FCR and CFD Implementations
Cooperation GWU, Leosphere

Contribution to Working Groups Wind Energy
New Energy Perspectives

IWES WindBin II – Windenergienutzung im Binnenland, Messverfahren,
Anlagenlasten, Windpotentiale
Measurements and Investigations

IWES NEWA - New European Windatlas Stakeholder

IEA Task 32 -Wind LiDAR systems for wind energy deployment
IEA Task 32 WP 2.3 Turbulence Expert Report
IEA Task 32 WP 2.4 Use of ground based LiDARs for vertical and horizontal extrapolation in wind resource assessment 
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