WindEurope 2018Poster: Synoptic Influences on Turbine Performance and Power Monitoring
Cooperation EnBW, GWU
EWEA 2016
Poster: Added value of LiDAR correction methods from a user’s perspective
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Accuracy of load assessments based on modelled turbulence - The German example
Cooperation EMD
DMG 2016 4. Fachtagung Energiemeteorologie
Poster: Sensitivity of Wake Models to analytical Parameters
Cooperation WindSim
DEWEK 2015
Presentation: Sensitivity of Wake Models to analytical Parameters
Cooperation WindSim
Presentation: Turbulence Estimates in the Absence of Measurements
Cooperation Senvion
Poster: Turbine mounted pulsed LiDAR for performance verification in complex terrain
Cooperation Verbund, GWU, Uptime, Avent
MetTools 2015
Presentation: Turbulenzdaten für die Anwendung in der Windenergie - Validierung von LiDARmessungen
Cooperation Senvion
WindSim User Meeting 2014
Presentation: Turbulence: Measurement- Theory- Models
Cooperation WindSim, Senvion
EWEA 2014
Presentation: Evaluations of LiDAR Measurements for Turbulence Assessment
Cooperation REpower
Poster: How to get a reliable long-term reference in complex, data void regions
Cooperation EWC
Poster: Nacelle LiDAR for turbine performance analysis in complex terrain
Cooperation Verbund, GWU, Uptime, Avent
EWEA 2013
Presentation: Stability Classifications for CFD Simulations in Complex Terrain
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Modelling Wind Conditions for Tall Hub Heights
Cooperation REpower, WindSim
Poster: Measuring Wind Profiles in Complex Terrain using Doppler Wind LiDAR with FCR and CFD Implementations
Cooperation GWU, Leosphere
WindSim User Meeting 2013
Presentation: Stability Classifications for CFD Simulations in Complex Terrain
Cooperation WindSim
DACH 2013 (Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizer Meteorologentagung)
Presentation: Real Time und Postprocessing von LiDARdaten in komplexem Gelände
Cooperation GWU
AWEA 2013
Poster: Stability Classifications for CFD Simulations in Complex Terrain
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Measuring Wind Profiles in Complex Terrain using Doppler Wind LiDAR with FCR and CFD Implementations
Cooperation GWU, Leosphere
Poster: Flow Modelling for Tall Hub Heights- Challenges and Remedies
Cooperation REpower, WindSim
DMG 2013 3. Fachtagung Energiemeteorologie
Presentation: Strömungsmodifikation in komplexem Gelände, Atmosphärische und Orographische Einflüsse
ETH Zürich 2012 8th PhD Seminar Windenergy in Europe
Presentation: Site Assessment for Windfarms - Challenges and Tools
WindSim User Meeting 2012
Presentation: Influences on wind profiles up to greater hub heights- Advantages from LiDAR and CFD Modelling
MetTools 2012
Poster: Auswirkung atmosphärischer Stabilität auf Windertragsanalysen in CFD Simulationen
Cooperation WindSim
DEWEK 2012
Poster: Non neutral Wind Profiles- Capturing Atmospheric and Orographic Influences
Cooperation WindSim
Poster: Measuring Wind Profiles in Complex Terrain using Doppler Wind LiDAR with FCR and CFD Implementations
Cooperation GWU, Leosphere